Looking forward to whatever you end up producing here. But I’d be perfectly happy if the entirety of the podcast was just you going discussing that “which animals could you beat in a fight” poll with a different panel of guests every week.
Was a huge fan of the 538 podcast and the data driven approach in general that is so often missing in discussions involving politics. I expect more great things!
It was both surreal and exciting to hear “This is the GD Politics Podcast. I’m Galen Druke.” It’ll be nice to have your voice back in my feed regularly! Already subbed on Apple.
Good to hear you back in the saddle. It’s not yet showing up in my Apple Podcasts app, but I know it takes some time for the gears to turn. I’ll keep looking. Looking forward to what you have in store for us next!
Looking forward to whatever you end up producing here. But I’d be perfectly happy if the entirety of the podcast was just you going discussing that “which animals could you beat in a fight” poll with a different panel of guests every week.
Was a huge fan of the 538 podcast and the data driven approach in general that is so often missing in discussions involving politics. I expect more great things!
It was both surreal and exciting to hear “This is the GD Politics Podcast. I’m Galen Druke.” It’ll be nice to have your voice back in my feed regularly! Already subbed on Apple.
Love 538 Politics and excited about this. One request, bring back Nate and Claire as occasional guests! :-)
Great to see you back at it! Been missing you the feed. Excited to see what you produce over here!
i am so happy that you are launching this!
Good to hear you back in the saddle. It’s not yet showing up in my Apple Podcasts app, but I know it takes some time for the gears to turn. I’ll keep looking. Looking forward to what you have in store for us next!
Not sure if this is a me problem but my podcast app (Pocket Casts on Android) was not able to connect to the RSS URL here.
Great news, glad to have you back Galen! Looking forward to what’s to come